Anxiety Relief and Stress Control - Self Help Tips
Psychological researches state that anxiety attacks are strongly related with breathing. When we feel tense we forget to breath properly and lack of air makes us feel stressed more and more. Tips bellow could be found as magical solution if you suffer from anxiety attacks or you having difficulties with controlling the stress:
- First of all when you feel uncomfortably distress remember to breath deeply with your abdomen
- Take a deep breath through your nostrils and feel your abdomen expanding
- Place your hands on your abdomen and feel it expanding to increase your awareness of breathing
- Keep your body relaxed and your shoulders motionless minding awareness of your breathing and expanding abdomen all the time
- Exhale the air through your mouth making noise by doing it (unless you are between other people)
- Visualize with every breath that you inhaling pure positive energy of white silver light and you exhaling dark negative energy
- Feel that with every breath your entire body is becoming full of this white silver energy and with every exhale the amount of negative energy within you gradually decreases
- With every deep inhales and exhales you should visualize that there is no more negative energy in you and you are fulfilled of positive energy
- Repeat this 5 times, after that you should notice that the level of stress is under tolerable level
- Practice it every time when stress makes you feel uncomfortable and you feel that anxiety attacks could come
- Try to always find quiet place to do this exercise and place yourself in comfortable position
- Always have attitude that you want to be calm, this is very important
- It is also recommended to open windows in the room where you are going to do your exercise to let a lot of fresh air in
- Always make sure that all your needs are met such as: comfortable clothing, your muscles are not to tense, you are not hungry, you have plenty of fresh water, you have access to fresh air and you get plenty of day light
- It is also recommended to listen relaxing music or appropriate brain waves
- Eat healthy, make sure that you provide all essentials to your body
- Do physical exercise as it will help to remain calm
- Be good to yourself and give yourself small rewards every day
- Have a hobby and do things that you enjoy
- Make sure that you control your thoughts, as they have significant impact on your emotions and physical reactions of your body ( to discover how to control your thoughts please find article in the archive of my blog)
- Remember one important thing that the best solution for majority of mental health problems is personal development as once you will know more about the mind and the way it works you will have more control over your emotions and stress
- To find out more how easily you can explore infinite potential of your mind go to the ebook Limitless Genius - Explore and Possess Endless Abilities of Your MInd the Fastest Way Ever!
just Breath Deep was enough